.. _monetd_configuration_rst: Monetd Configuration ==================== All the configuration required to run a node is stored under a directory with a very specific structure. By default, ``monetd`` will look for this directory in ``$HOME/.monet`` [1]_ (on Linux), but it is possible to override this with the ``--datadir`` flag. The directory must respect the following stucture: :: host:~/.monet$ tree ├── babble │ ├── peers.genesis.json │ ├── peers.json │ └── priv_key ├── eth │ ├── genesis.json │ └── poa │ ├── compile.toml │ ├── contract0.abi │ └── contract0.sol ├── keystore │ ├── node0.json ├── monetd.toml You would not normally need to access these configuration files directly. The ``monetd config`` tool provides a CLI interfaces to set up a network. The command ``monetd config location --expanded`` provides further details of the filepaths used for your instance. Eth --- The ``eth/genesis.json`` file defines prefunded accounts in the state, as well as the POA smart-contract. This file is useful to predefine a set of accounts that own all the initial tokens at the inception of the network. In addition, the ``poa`` section contains information about the POA smart-contract. Example ``genesis.json`` defining one prefunded account (the ABI and bytecode of the smart-contract have been truncated): .. code:: json { "alloc": { "a10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c": { "balance": "1234567890000000000000", "moniker": "node0" } }, "poa": { "address": "0xaBBAABbaaBbAABbaABbAABbAABbaAbbaaBbaaBBa", "abi": "[\n\t{\n\t\t\"constant\": true, ... ]", "code": "6080604052600436106101095760003560e01c8063..." } } Babble ------ - **babble/genesis.peers.json**: defines Babble's initial peer-set. - **babble/peers.json**: defines Babble's current peer-set - **babble/priv\_key**: contains the validator's private key for Babble. Run Options ----------- Options pertaining to the operation of the node are read from the [datadir]/monetd.toml file, or overwritten by the following flags. It is envisaged that you would not need to use these flags in a production environment. :: Flags: --api-listen string IP:PORT of HTTP API service (default ":8080") --babble.advertise string Advertise IP:PORT of Babble node --babble.bootstrap bootstrap Babble from database --babble.cache-size int number of items in LRU caches (default 50000) --babble.heartbeat duration heartbeat timer milliseconds (time between gossips) (default 200ms) --babble.listen string IP:PORT of Babble node (default "") --babble.max-pool int max number of pool connections (default 2) --babble.sync-limit int max number of Events per sync (default 1000) --babble.timeout duration TCP timeout milliseconds (default 1s) --eth.cache int megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching (min 16MB / database forced) (default 128) --eth.min-gas-price string minimum gasprice of transactions submitted through this node (ex 1K, 1M, 1G, etc.) (default "0") -h, --help help for run Global Flags: -d, --datadir string top-level directory for configuration and data (default "/home/martin/.monet") -v, --verbose verbose output Example of a monet.toml file: :: datadir = "/home/user/.monet" verbose = "false" api-listen = ":8080" [babble] listen = "" heartbeat = "500ms" timeout = "1s" cache-size = 50000 sync-limit = 1000 max-pool = 2 bootstrap = false [eth] cache = 128 .. [1] This location is for Linux instances. Mac and Windows uses a different path. The path for your instance can be ascertain with this command: ``monetd config location``