.. _tests_rst: Tests ===== Included in the monetd distribution are numerous tests. There are unit tests, which test individual components, and end to end tests. Unit Tests ---------- These can be run as follows: .. code:: bash [...]/monetd$ make test Monetd Tests ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/commands [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/commands/keys [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/commands/network [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/commands/server [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/commands/transactions [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/giverny/configuration [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/monetd [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/monetd/commands [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/monetd/commands/config [no test files] ? .../monetd/cmd/monetd/commands/keys [no test files] ok .../monetd/src/babble 0.077s ok .../monetd/src/common 0.003s ? .../monetd/src/config [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/configuration [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/contract [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/crypto [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/docker [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/files [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/peers [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/types [no test files] ? .../monetd/src/version [no test files] EVM-Lite Tests ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/common [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/config [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/consensus [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/consensus/solo [no test files] ok .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/currency 0.003s ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/engine [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/service [no test files] ok .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/state 3.148s ? .../vendor/.../evm-lite/src/version [no test files] Babble Tests ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/babble 0.149s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/common 0.024s ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/config [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/crypto [no test files] ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/crypto/keys 0.097s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/hashgraph 11.385s ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/mobile [no test files] ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/net 0.092s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/node 36.339s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/peers 0.082s ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy [no test files] ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy/dummy 0.038s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy/inmem 0.037s ok .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy/socket 0.043s ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy/socket/app [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/proxy/socket/babble [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/service [no test files] ? .../vendor/.../babble/src/version [no test files] They will take some seconds to run. If any test fails an error message will be displayed. End to End Tests ---------------- End to end tests are in the subfolder ``e2e`` of the repository. All tests can be run as follows: .. code:: bash [...]/monetd/e2e$ make tests An individual test can be run as follows: .. code:: bash [...]/monetd/e2e$ make test TEST=crowdfundnet To prevent the test net being destroyed on completion, add ``NOSTOP=nostop``: .. code:: bash [...]/monetd/e2e$ make test TEST=transfer_03_10 NOSTOP=nostop Tests output logs to ``...monetd/e2e/tests/.out`` Transfer Tests -------------- As well as standalone tests, the transaction generation tools can be used against extant networks. You can get the list of options (and defaults) by using the ``--help`` or ``-h`` option: .. code:: bash $ e2e/tools/build-trans.sh -h e2e/tools/build-trans.sh [-v] [--accounts=10] [--transactions=200] [--faucet="Faucet"] [--faucet-config-dir=] [--prefix=Test] [--node-name=Node] [--node-host=] [--node-port=8080] [--config-dir=/home/jon/.monettest] [--temp-dir=/tmp] [-h|--help] + **-v** turns on verbose output + **--accounts=10** sets the number of accounts to transfer tokens between + **--transactions=200** sets the number of transactions to generate + **--faucet="Faucet"** sets the account to fund the transfers + **--faucet-config-dir=** where the faucet account is stored. ``$HOME/.monet/keystore`` or ``$HOME/.giverny/networks//keystore`` are the likely values + **--prefix=Test** is the prefix for the moniker of the accounts for transfers + **--node-name=Node** is the Node Name + **--node-host=** is the Node address + **--node-port=8080** is the port for EVM-Lite endpoints + **--config-dir=/home/user/.monettest** is the config directory to use