.. _monet_api_rst: Monetd API ========== ``monetd`` exposes an HTTP API at the address specified by the ``--api-listen`` flag. This document contains the API specification with some basic examples using curl. For API clients (javascript libraries, CLI, and GUI), please refer to `Monet CLI `__ Get Account ----------- Retrieve information about any account. .. code:: http GET /account/{address} returns: JsonAccount .. code:: go type JsonAccount struct { Address string `json:"address"` Balance *big.Int `json:"balance"` Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"` Code string `json:"bytecode"` } Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl http://localhost:8080/account/0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c -s | jq { "address": "0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c", "balance": 1234567890000000000000, "nonce": 0, "bytecode": "" } Call ---- Call a smart-contract READONLY function. These calls will NOT modify the EVM state, and the data does NOT need to be signed. .. code:: http POST /call data: JSON SendTxArgs returns: JSON JsonCallRes .. code:: go type SendTxArgs struct { From common.Address `json:"from"` To *common.Address `json:"to"` Gas uint64 `json:"gas"` GasPrice *big.Int `json:"gasPrice"` Value *big.Int `json:"value"` Data string `json:"data"` Nonce *uint64 `json:"nonce"` } type JsonCallRes struct { Data string `json:"data"` } Example: .. code:: bash curl http://localhost:8080/call \ -d '{"constant":true,"to":"0xabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabba","value":0,"data":"0x8f82b8c4","gas":1000000,"gasPrice":0,"chainId":1}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST -s | jq { "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" } Submit Transaction ------------------ Send a SIGNED, NON-READONLY transaction. The client is left to compose a transaction, sign it and RLP encode it. The resulting bytes, represented as a Hex string, are passed to this method to be forwarded to the EVM. This is an ASYNCHRONOUS operation and the effect on the State should be verified by fetching the transaction's receipt. .. code:: http POST /rawtx data: STRING Hex representation of the raw transaction bytes returns: JSON JsonTxRes .. code:: go type JsonTxRes struct { TxHash string `json:"txHash"` } Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/rawtx -d '0xf8600180830f424094a10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c648026a03c14b99e14420e34c15885ff3afc1043aa6e4e13e2be4691d74a772cde44819ba0652b202ab93908544ea4d7d89567fa462fa719f381e54aa6781ba96c2e9e0e90' -s | json_pp { "txHash":"0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4" } Get Receipt ----------- Get a transaction receipt. When a transaction is applied to the EVM, a receipt is saved to record if/how the transaction affected the state. This contains such information as the address of a newly created contract, how much gas was use, and the EVM Logs produced by the execution of the transaction. .. code:: http GET /tx/{tx_hash} returns: JSON JsonReceipt .. code:: go type JsonReceipt struct { Root common.Hash `json:"root"` TransactionHash common.Hash `json:"transactionHash"` From common.Address `json:"from"` To *common.Address `json:"to"` GasUsed uint64 `json:"gasUsed"` CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `json:"cumulativeGasUsed"` ContractAddress common.Address `json:"contractAddress"` Logs []*ethTypes.Log `json:"logs"` LogsBloom ethTypes.Bloom `json:"logsBloom"` Status uint64 `json:"status"` } Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl http://localhost:8080/tx/0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4 -s | jq { "root": "0x348c230578e27e20a10924e925f7cddb28279561b52cab7b31750c6d4716ac21", "transactionHash": "0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4", "from": "0xa10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c", "to": "0xa10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c", "gasUsed": 21000, "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000, "contractAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "logs": [], "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "status": 0 } Info ---- Get information about a Babble instance. .. code:: http GET /info returns: JSON map Example: .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/info | jq { "rounds_per_second" : "0.00", "type" : "babble", "consensus_transactions" : "10", "num_peers" : "4", "consensus_events" : "10", "sync_rate" : "1.00", "transaction_pool" : "0", "state" : "Babbling", "events_per_second" : "0.00", "undetermined_events" : "22", "id" : "1785923847", "last_consensus_round" : "1", "last_block_index" : "0", "round_events" : "0" } POA --- Get details of the PoA smart-contract. .. code:: http GET /poa returns: JsonContract .. code:: go type JsonContract struct { Address common.Address `json:"address"` ABI string `json:"abi"` } Example (trunctated output): .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/poa | jq { "address": "0xabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabba", "abi": "[\n\t{\n\t\t\"constant\": true,\n\t\t\"inputs\"...]" } Genesis.json ------------ This endpoint returns the content of the genesis.json file in JSON format. This allows new nodes to pull the genesis file from an existing peer. .. code:: http GET /genesis returns: JSON Genesis .. code:: go type Genesis struct { Alloc AccountMap Poa PoaMap } type AccountMap map[string]struct { Code string Storage map[string]string Balance string Authorising bool } type PoaMap struct { Address string Balance string Abi string Code string } Example (truncated output): .. code:: bash host:-$ curl://http://locahost:8080/genesis | jq { "Alloc": { "a10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c": { "Code": "", "Storage": null, "Balance": "1234567890000000000000", "Authorising": false } }, "Poa": { "Address": "0xaBBAABbaaBbAABbaABbAABbAABbaAbbaaBbaaBBa", "Balance": "", "Abi": "[\n\t{\n\t\t\"constant\": ...]", "Code": "6080604052600436106101095..." } } Block ----- Get a Babble Block by index. .. code:: http GET /block/{index} returns: JSON Block .. code:: go type Block struct { Body BlockBody Signatures map[string]string } type BlockBody struct { Index int RoundReceived int StateHash []byte FrameHash []byte PeersHash []byte Transactions [][]byte InternalTransactions []InternalTransaction InternalTransactionReceipts []InternalTransactionReceipt } Example: .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://locahost:8080/block/0 | jq { "Body": { "Index": 0, "RoundReceived": 1, "StateHash": "VY6jFi7P5bIajdWvwZU2jU0q3KXDcp1sFx7Ye6kl1/k=", "FrameHash": "Nek4dF0ybGZQ1XEuJQrjmPtNrfPLAtGU4sTQSSB2iKM=", "PeersHash": "Gv+YqIq56l6LZWdhAsx0XEB4gjZluMaziv7hCXT5b9k=", "Transactions": [ "+GSAgIMPQkCUq7qruqu6q7qruqu6q7qruqu6q7qAhOHHOSoloGCfTsLEOcMMXDX1W/78zpaZTXXK8BSR1Q8cCqicSrExoDv/0YGlpaGMJO8B6ZAJ/WAiEOKG00uzF8piaCvW3GHH" ], "InternalTransactions": [], "InternalTransactionReceipts": [] }, "Signatures": { "0X04F91D4429AE73229141F960B70CD2E83BF39D6EBF1B951C4E65BA9F0EE7FA2365C859CC9BF856709F78F0B9DD6BFBA450BFC7B8123197616D22E6EA8693201800": "2gtf6rkdc0q29n1isef0x2fib64qlf075uybtva6558r8onv31|2gnym6xat1ok68nqtsymcpg4x9ihj1ouwab8inode5m8eb82tb" } } Current Peers ------------- Get Babble's current peer-set. .. code:: http Get /peers returns: []Peer .. code:: go type Peer struct { NetAddr string PubKeyHex string Moniker string } Example: .. code:: bash $host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/peers | jq [ { "NetAddr": "", "PubKeyHex": "0X04F91D4429AE73229141F960B70CD2E83BF39D6EBF1B951C4E65BA9F0EE7FA2365C859CC9BF856709F78F0B9DD6BFBA450BFC7B8123197616D22E6EA8693201800", "Moniker": "node0" } ] Genesis Peers ------------- Get Babble's initial validator-set. .. code:: http GET /genesispeers returns: []Peer