Getting Started

In this document we explain how to run a single node and how to use monetcli to interact with it. In another section, we will explain how to join an existing network. For details about any command, please refer to the specification.

Creating A Single Node Network

In short, run the following three commands to start a standalone node:

$ monetd keys new node0
$ monetd config build node0
$ monetd run

The keys new command will prompt us for a password, and generate a new encrypted keyfile in the default keystore ~/.monet/keystore. We identified our key with the node0 moniker.

The config build command takes our key, and generates a minimal network configuration with a single validator node, and a prefunded account. Again, the configuration is written to ~/.monet. [1]

Finally, the run command starts a monetd node, which will default to using the configuration files in ~/.monet. [1]

Using monetcli

Let’s use monetcli to query the newly created node. First of all, install monetcli with npm install -g monetcli.

While monetd is still running, open another terminal and start monetcli in interactive mode:

$monetcli i

 __  __                          _        ____   _       ___
|  \/  |   ___    _ __     ___  | |_     / ___| | |     |_ _|
| |\/| |  / _ \  | '_ \   / _ \ | __|   | |     | |      | |
| |  | | | (_) | | | | | |  __/ | |_    | |___  | |___   | |
|_|  |_|  \___/  |_| |_|  \___|  \__|    \____| |_____| |___|

Mode:        Interactive
Data Dir:    /home/user/.monet
Config File: /home/user/.monet/monetcli.toml
Keystore:    /home/user/.monet/keystore


   help [command...]                    Provides help for a given command.
   exit                                 Exits application.
   accounts create [options]            Creates an encrypted keypair locally
   accounts get [options] [address]     Fetches account details from a connected node
   accounts list [options]              List all accounts in the local keystore directory
   accounts update [options] [address]  Update passphrase for a local account
   accounts import [options]            Import an encrypted keyfile to the keystore
   config set [options]                 Set values of the configuration inside the data directory
   config view [options]                Output current configuration file
   poa check [options] [address]        Check whether an address is on the whitelist
   poa info [options]                   Display Proof of Authority information
   poa nominate [options] [address]     Nominate an address to proceed to election
   poa nomineelist [options]            List nominees for a connected node
   poa vote [options] [address]         Vote for an nominee currently in election
   poa whitelist [options]              List whitelist entries for a connected node
   transfer [options]                   Initiate a transfer of token(s) to an address
   info [options]                       Display information about node
   version [options]                    Display current version of cli
   debug                                Toggle debug mode
   clear                                Clear output on screen

Type info to check the status of the node:

monetcli$ info
|          Key           |   Value    |
| consensus_events       | 0          |
| consensus_transactions | 0          |
| events_per_second      | 0.00       |
| id                     | 1022922485 |
| last_block_index       | -1         |
| last_consensus_round   | nil        |
| moniker                | node0      |
| num_peers              | 1          |
| round_events           | 0          |
| rounds_per_second      | 0.00       |
| state                  | Babbling   |
| sync_rate              | 1.00       |
| transaction_pool       | 0          |
| type                   | babble     |
| undetermined_events    | 0          |

Type accounts list to get a list of accounts in the keystore, and the balance associated with them.

monetcli$ accounts list
| Moniker |                  Address                   |        Balance         | Nonce |
| node0   | 0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c | 1234567890000000000000 |     0 |

So we have a prefunded account. The same account is used as a validator in Babble, and as a Tenom-holding account in the ledger. This is the same account, node0, that we created in the previous steps, with the encrypted private key residing in ~/.monet/keystore.

Now, let’s create a new key using monetcli, and transfer some tokens to it.

monetcli$ accounts create
? Moniker:  node1
? Output Path:  /home/user/.monet/keystore
? Passphrase:  [hidden]
? Re-enter passphrase:  [hidden]

Like monetd keys new this command created a new key and wrote the encrypted keyfile in ~/.monet/keystore. Let’s double check that the key was created:

monetcli$ accounts list
| Moniker |                  Address                   |        Balance         | Nonce |
| node0   | 0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c | 1234567890000000000000 |     0 |
| node1   | 0x960c13654c477ac1d2d7f8fc7ae84d93a2225257 | 0                      |     0 |

Now, let’s transfer 100 tokens to it.

monetcli$ transfer
? From:  node0 (1,234,567,890,000,000,000,000)
? Enter password:  [hidden]
? To 0x960c13654c477ac1d2d7f8fc7ae84d93a2225257
? Value:  100
? Gas:  1000000
? Gas Price:  0
  "from": "0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c",
  "to": "0x960c13654c477ac1d2d7f8fc7ae84d93a2225257",
  "value": 100,
  "gas": 1000000,
  "gasPrice": 0
? Submit transaction Yes
Transaction submitted successfully.

Finally, we can check the account balances again to verify the outcome of the transfer:

monetcli$ accounts list
| Moniker |                  Address                   |        Balance         | Nonce |
| node0   | 0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c | 1234567889999999999900 |     1 |
| node1   | 0x960c13654c477ac1d2d7f8fc7ae84d93a2225257 | 100                    |     0 |
[1](1, 2) This location is for Linux instances. Mac and Windows uses a different path. The path for your instance can be ascertain with this command: monetd config location