.. _monet_api_rst: Monetd API ========== ``monetd`` exposes an HTTP API at the address specified by the ``--api-listen`` flag. This document contains the API specification with some basic examples using curl. For API clients (javascript libraries, CLI, and GUI), please refer to `Monet CLI `__ Get Account ----------- Retrieve information about any account. .. code:: http GET /account/{address} returns: JsonAccount .. code:: go type JsonAccount struct { Address string `json:"address"` Balance *big.Int `json:"balance"` Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"` Code string `json:"bytecode"` } Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl http://localhost:8080/account/0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c -s | jq { "address": "0xa10aae5609643848fF1Bceb76172652261dB1d6c", "balance": 1234567890000000000000, "nonce": 0, "bytecode": "" } Call ---- Call a smart-contract READONLY function. These calls will NOT modify the EVM state, and the data does NOT need to be signed. .. code:: http POST /call data: JSON SendTxArgs returns: JSON JsonCallRes .. code:: go type SendTxArgs struct { From common.Address `json:"from"` To *common.Address `json:"to"` Gas uint64 `json:"gas"` GasPrice *big.Int `json:"gasPrice"` Value *big.Int `json:"value"` Data string `json:"data"` Nonce *uint64 `json:"nonce"` } type JsonCallRes struct { Data string `json:"data"` } Example: .. code:: bash curl http://localhost:8080/call \ -d '{"constant":true,"to":"0xabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabba","value":0,"data":"0x8f82b8c4","gas":1000000,"gasPrice":0,"chainId":1}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST -s | jq { "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001" } Submit Transaction ------------------ Send a SIGNED, NON-READONLY transaction. The client is left to compose a transaction, sign it and RLP encode it. The resulting bytes, represented as a Hex string, are passed to this method to be forwarded to the EVM. This is a SYNCHRONOUS operation; it waits for the transaction to go through consensus and returns the transaction receipt. .. code:: http POST /rawtx data: STRING Hex representation of the raw transaction bytes returns: JSON JsonReceipt .. code:: go type JsonTxRes struct { TxHash string `json:"txHash"` } .. code:: go type JsonReceipt struct { Root common.Hash `json:"root"` TransactionHash common.Hash `json:"transactionHash"` From common.Address `json:"from"` To *common.Address `json:"to"` GasUsed uint64 `json:"gasUsed"` CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `json:"cumulativeGasUsed"` ContractAddress common.Address `json:"contractAddress"` Logs []*ethTypes.Log `json:"logs"` LogsBloom ethTypes.Bloom `json:"logsBloom"` Status uint64 `json:"status"` } Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/rawtx -d '0xf8600180830f424094a10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c648026a03c14b99e14420e34c15885ff3afc1043aa6e4e13e2be4691d74a772cde44819ba0652b202ab93908544ea4d7d89567fa462fa719f381e54aa6781ba96c2e9e0e90' -s | json_pp { "txHash":"0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4" } Get Receipt ----------- Get a transaction receipt. When a transaction is applied to the EVM, a receipt is saved to record if/how the transaction affected the state. This contains such information as the address of a newly created contract, how much gas was use, and the EVM Logs produced by the execution of the transaction. .. code:: http GET /tx/{tx_hash} returns: JSON JsonReceipt Example: .. code:: bash host:~$ curl http://localhost:8080/tx/0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4 -s | jq { "root": "0x348c230578e27e20a10924e925f7cddb28279561b52cab7b31750c6d4716ac21", "transactionHash": "0x96764078446cfbaec6265f173fb5a2411b7c272052640bca622252494a74dbb4", "from": "0xa10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c", "to": "0xa10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c", "gasUsed": 21000, "cumulativeGasUsed": 21000, "contractAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "logs": [], "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "status": 0 } Info ---- Get information about a Babble instance. .. code:: http GET /info returns: JSON map Example: .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/info | jq { "rounds_per_second" : "0.00", "type" : "babble", "consensus_transactions" : "10", "num_peers" : "4", "consensus_events" : "10", "sync_rate" : "1.00", "transaction_pool" : "0", "state" : "Babbling", "events_per_second" : "0.00", "undetermined_events" : "22", "id" : "1785923847", "last_consensus_round" : "1", "last_block_index" : "0", "round_events" : "0" } POA --- Get details of the PoA smart-contract. .. code:: http GET /poa returns: JsonContract .. code:: go type JsonContract struct { Address common.Address `json:"address"` ABI string `json:"abi"` } Example (trunctated output): .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/poa | jq { "address": "0xabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabbaabba", "abi": "[\n\t{\n\t\t\"constant\": true,\n\t\t\"inputs\"...]" } Genesis.json ------------ This endpoint returns the content of the genesis.json file in JSON format. This allows new nodes to pull the genesis file from an existing peer. .. code:: http GET /genesis returns: JSON Genesis .. code:: go type Genesis struct { Alloc AccountMap Poa PoaMap } type AccountMap map[string]struct { Code string Storage map[string]string Balance string Authorising bool } type PoaMap struct { Address string Balance string Abi string Code string } Example (truncated output): .. code:: bash host:-$ curl://http://locahost:8080/genesis | jq { "Alloc": { "a10aae5609643848ff1bceb76172652261db1d6c": { "Code": "", "Storage": null, "Balance": "1234567890000000000000", "Authorising": false } }, "Poa": { "Address": "0xaBBAABbaaBbAABbaABbAABbAABbaAbbaaBbaaBBa", "Balance": "", "Abi": "[\n\t{\n\t\t\"constant\": ...]", "Code": "6080604052600436106101095..." } } Block ----- Get a Babble Block by index. .. code:: http GET /block/{index} returns: JSON Block .. code:: go type Block struct { Body BlockBody Signatures map[string]string } type BlockBody struct { Index int RoundReceived int StateHash []byte FrameHash []byte PeersHash []byte Transactions [][]byte InternalTransactions []InternalTransaction InternalTransactionReceipts []InternalTransactionReceipt } Example: .. code:: bash host:-$ curl http://locahost:8080/block/0 | jq { "Body": { "Index": 0, "RoundReceived": 1, "StateHash": "VY6jFi7P5bIajdWvwZU2jU0q3KXDcp1sFx7Ye6kl1/k=", "FrameHash": "Nek4dF0ybGZQ1XEuJQrjmPtNrfPLAtGU4sTQSSB2iKM=", "PeersHash": "Gv+YqIq56l6LZWdhAsx0XEB4gjZluMaziv7hCXT5b9k=", "Transactions": [ "+GSAgIMPQkCUq7qruqu6q7qruqu6q7qruqu6q7qAhOHHOSoloGCfTsLEOcMMXDX1W/78zpaZTXXK8BSR1Q8cCqicSrExoDv/0YGlpaGMJO8B6ZAJ/WAiEOKG00uzF8piaCvW3GHH" ], "InternalTransactions": [], "InternalTransactionReceipts": [] }, "Signatures": { "0X04F91D4429AE73229141F960B70CD2E83BF39D6EBF1B951C4E65BA9F0EE7FA2365C859CC9BF856709F78F0B9DD6BFBA450BFC7B8123197616D22E6EA8693201800": "2gtf6rkdc0q29n1isef0x2fib64qlf075uybtva6558r8onv31|2gnym6xat1ok68nqtsymcpg4x9ihj1ouwab8inode5m8eb82tb" } } Current Peers ------------- Get Babble's current peer-set. .. code:: http Get /peers returns: []Peer .. code:: go type Peer struct { NetAddr string PubKeyHex string Moniker string } Example: .. code:: bash $host:-$ curl http://localhost:8080/peers | jq [ { "NetAddr": "", "PubKeyHex": "0X04F91D4429AE73229141F960B70CD2E83BF39D6EBF1B951C4E65BA9F0EE7FA2365C859CC9BF856709F78F0B9DD6BFBA450BFC7B8123197616D22E6EA8693201800", "Moniker": "node0" } ] Genesis Peers ------------- Get Babble's initial validator-set. .. code:: http GET /genesispeers returns: []Peer