Giverny Reference

giverny is the advanced configuration tool for the Monet Toolchain.

The current subcommands are:

  • help — help
  • version — outputs version information
  • keys — key management tools
  • server — configuration server management
  • network — configure and build networks
  • transactions — generate test transactions sets

Global Flag

The --verbose flag, or -v for short, turns on extended messages for each giverny command.


giverny has context sensitive help accessed either by running giverny help or by adding a -h parameter to the relevant command.


The version subcommand outputs the version number for monetd, EVM-Lite, Babble and Geth.

If you compile your own tools, the suffices are the GIT branch and the GIT commit hash.

[..monetd] $ giverny version
Monet Version: 0.2.1-develop-397c075f
     EVM-Lite Version: 0.2.1-develop
     Babble Version: 0.5.1-develop
     Geth Version: 1.8.27


The keys subcommand offers tools to manage keys.

Keys Flags

In addition to the --verbose flag, the keys subcommand defines addtional flags as follows:

Global Flags:
  -g, --giverny-data-dir string   Top-level giverny directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.giverny")
  -m, --monet-data-dir string     Top-level monetd directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.monet")
  -v, --verbose                   verbose messages

Use "giverny keys [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The import subcommand is used to import a pre-existing private key into the monetd keystore, creating the associated toml file, assigning a moniker and setting a passphrase.

[..monetd] $ giverny help keys import

Import keys to [moniker] from private key file [keyfile].

  giverny keys import [moniker] [keyfile] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for import

Global Flags:
  -g, --giverny-data-dir string   Top-level giverny directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.giverny")
      --json                      output JSON instead of human-readable format
  -m, --monet-data-dir string     Top-level monetd directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.monet")
      --passfile string           the file that contains the passphrase for the keyfile
  -v, --verbose                   verbose messages


The server subcommand is used for adminstering a REST server used to co-ordinate configurations between multiple nodes prior to the initial node of a network.

The server listens on port 8088. It writes logs to ~/.giverny/server/ [1]

For usage examples, see the recipes for setting up networks.


To start the server in the foreground:

$ giverny server start

To start the server in the background:

$ giverny server start --background


To stop a server running in the background:

$ giverny server stop


Reports on the status of the server. It both checks for the PID file in ~/.giverny/server/ [1] and checks the the server is responding on localhost:8088.

$ giverny server status


The network command is used to build complex monet networks. The new command generates the nodes and keys for a network, and automatically calls the build command which generates and builds genesis.json and peers.json files. You can adjust the network by editting the network.toml file. The location command outputs the relevant paths. The push command is used to push a giverny network node configuration to a docker or actual node so it can be used by monetd. start, stop and status are used to manage the docker instance.

The network name and node names must contain only standard letters (i.e. no accented versions), digits (0–9) or underscores (_).


The giverny network location subcommand takes a single optional parameter network_name. If the network is specified it outputs the location of key files and folders for that network. If not, only the root giverny configuration folder is output.

Example without a network name:

$ giverny network location

Example with a network specified:

$ giverny network location node7
Network                 : node7
Giverny Config Dir      : /home/user/.giverny
Giverny Networks Dir    : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7
Giverny KeyStore Dir    : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7/keystore
Peers JSON              : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7/peers.json
Genesis JSON            : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7/genesis.json
Monetd TOML             : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7/monetd.toml
Network TOML            : /home/user/.giverny/networks/node7/network.toml


The new subcommand creates a new test network configuration. It also


[..monetd] $ giverny help network new

giverny network build

  giverny network new [network_name] [flags]

      --generate-pass       generate pass phrases
  -h, --help                help for new
      --initial-ip string   initial IP address of range
      --initial-peers int   number of initial peers
      --names string        filename of a file containing a list of node monikers
      --no-build            disables the automatic build of a new network
      --no-save-pass        don't save pass phrase entered on command line
  -n, --nodes int           number of nodes in this configuration (default -1)
      --pass string         filename of a file containing a passphrase

Global Flags:
  -g, --giverny-data-dir string   Top-level giverny directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.giverny")
  -m, --monet-data-dir string     Top-level monetd directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.monet")
  -v, --verbose                   verbose messages


The number of nodes in this network is specified by the --nodes [int] parameter. The --initial-peers [int] parameter specifies the number of initial peers. If not set it assumes that all nodes are in the initial peer set.

IP Addresses

An initial IP address is supplied using the --initial-ip parameter. It is assumed the IP address range will be assigned by simply incrementing the last octet of the IP address for each node. N.B. the first node will be assigned the actual IP supplied by the initial-ip parameter.

Node Names

The default node names are a standard prefix of node with a unique integer suffix. You can override the default and supply a list of node names, which are used in the order supplied, via the --names parameter.

Node names must contain only standard Latin alphabet characters (ie a–z or A–Z with no accents), underscores (_), or digits (0–9).

Pass Phrases

There are numerous pass phrase flags for the new subcommand.

  • --pass [passfile] — uses the given pass phrase file for all nodes
  • --generate-pass — generates a unique passphrase for each key pair and writes it to a file nodename.txt in the network configuration keystore directory
  • --save-pass — saves pass phrases in the network configuration keystore directory

The typical use case scenarios for these flags would be:

  • None specified — you are prompted to enter the passphrase for each node which is not saved
  • --pass only — the specified pass phrase is used, but not saved in the config folder
  • --pass and --save-pass — the specified pass phrase is used and saved in the config folder
  • --generate-pass only — pass phrases are generated and saved
  • --save-pass only — you are prompted to enter the passphrase for each node, which is saved in the config folder


By default giverny network new will run giverny network build automatically. This can be disabled by specifying the -no-build flag.


An example of the new subcommand:

$ giverny network new test11 --names sampledata/names.txt --nodes 7 --pass sampledata/pwd.txt --initial-peers 3 --initial-ip


The giverny network build subcommand takes a configuration created by the new subcommand and builds peers.json and genesis.json files.

build can be run repeatably safely. It is envisaged that users will edit the network.toml file to adjust token allocations or change addresses.

--no-generate-keys disables the creation of any keys not already in the keystore.

A “built” network will have a file structure like this:

├── compile.toml
├── contract0.abi
├── contract0.sol
├── genesis.json
├── keystore
│   ├── Amelia.json
│   ├── Amelia.txt
│   ├── Becky.json
│   ├── Becky.txt
│   ├── Chloe.json
│   ├── Chloe.txt
│   ├── Danu.json
│   ├── Danu.txt
├── monetd.toml
├── network.toml
└── peers.json


The export subcommand takes a configuration that has been generated and exports it to the exports subfolder of the giverny configuration folders as a zip file. The network export command has a mandatory network name parameter, and optionally one or more node names. If the node names are omitted, all of the nodes for that network are exported.


The import subcommand takes a configuration previously exported by the export and configures monetd to use the new configuration. You will always need to specify a network name and a node name for the import. The source for the import can be configured thus:

  • --from-exports — from the exports subfolder in the giverny configuration folders. This is the default output location for the export command.
  • --server — from a giverny server. The giverny server will look in the exports subfolder in the giverny configuration folders on the instance it is running on. N.B. do not run the giverny server on any instance with live key pairs or sensitive configuration, as it may be exposed.
  • --dir — specify the folder the export zip is in. Do not rename the zip file. This is used when a secondary channel is used to communicate the keys.
[1](1, 2) This location is for Linux instances. Mac and Windows uses a different path. The path for your instance can be ascertain with this command: giverny network location


The transaction commands has one subcommand: generate. It is used to generate transactions set for end to end testing of networks.

The following flags can be set:

    --count int        number of tranactions to generate (default 20)
    --faucet string    faucet account moniker (default "Faucet")
-h, --help             help for generate
    --ips string       ips.dat file path
-n, --network string   network name
    --surplus int      additional credit to allocate each account from the faucet above the bare minimum (default 1000000)