.. _index: .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 self design.rst overview.rst install.rst quickstart.rst tests.rst join.rst fees.rst monetd_api.rst monetd_poa.rst giverny_examples.rst monetd_configuration.rst monetd_commands.rst giverny.rst licence.rst faq.rst .. The above list will need cleaning up. .. Cheat with a zero width image for vertical padding The Monet Toolchain =================== The Monet Toolchain provides software to run and interact with a distributed smart-contract platform based on `EVM-Lite `__ and `Babble consensus `__. It underpins the `MONET Hub `__, which is an important part of the `MONET project `__, but is licensed under the `MIT license `__ and available for use in other projects. You can read more about MONET in the `whitepaper `__. Quick Start ----------- For the impatient, we recommend you start here: - :ref:`Installation Documents` - :ref:`Quick Start`