Giverny Examples

For reference, the options for giverny network new:

[..monetd] $ giverny help network new

giverny network build

  giverny network new [network_name] [flags]

      --generate-pass       generate pass phrases
  -h, --help                help for new
      --initial-ip string   initial IP address of range
      --initial-peers int   number of initial peers
      --names string        file containing node configurations
      --no-build            disables the automatic build of a new network
      --no-save-pass        don't save pass phrase entered on command line
  -n, --nodes int           number of nodes in this configuration (default -1)
      --pass string         file containing a passphrase

Global Flags:
  -g, --giverny-data-dir string   Top-level giverny directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.giverny")
  -m, --monet-data-dir string     Top-level monetd directory for configuration and data (default "/home/jon/.monet")
  -v, --verbose                   verbose messages

Development Test Networks

To make commands repeatable, and to reflect code changes, the following commands can be prefixed to all the commands below:

make installgiv; rm -rf ~/.giverny/networks/test9;

The command above rebuilds the giverny app and removes the network test9``allow the ``new commands to be run repeatedly. If you do not remove the previous network test9 before running giverny network new then the command aborts. The make installgiv is only required if you are making code changes.

Adding -v or --verbose to each of these commands gives addition information and progress messages in the command output.


8 node network, 4 initial peers, named from prebaked list of names, generated passphrases.

giverny network new test9 --generate-pass  --names sampledata/names.txt --nodes 8 --initial-peers 4  -v

3 node network with named nodes, 2 initial peers. Passphrased prompted for on the command line and used for all key files.

make installgiv; rm -rf ~/.giverny/networks/test9; giverny network new test9 --save-pass  --names sampledata/withnodes.txt --nodes 3 --initial-peers 2  -v

The withnodes.txt file is interesting as it shows the expanded syntax:


Export Network

The export command writes the configuration of one or more nodes to a zip file.

To export the configuration of all nodes in a network, type this:

$ giverny network export test9

Take a look in ~/.giverny/exports. [1] There should be numerous files named test9_[node].zip. These can be applied to monetd directly on the same instance by:

$ giverny network import test9 Danu --from-exports

Alternatively you can use a secondary channel such as slack or e-mail to send that zip file and then load it — without changing the name of the file:

$ giverny network import test9 Danu --dir ~/Downloads

Or you can use giverny server and pull it directly. Assuming that you have run giverny server start on the instance you ran the exports you can:

$ giverny network import test9 Danu --server
[1]This location is for Linux instances. Mac and Windows uses a different path. The path for your instance can be ascertain with this command: giverny network location